Jumat, 30 November 2012

Dating Among Young People

 Dating, is it good for us who still teenagers in other word as a young people?  Like as a knife which has two utility, namely positive or negative function. Dating also has positive and negative effects, depend how we use and look on this phenomenon among young people.

Heavy Metal Music: Good or Bad?

     Like other music genre, heavy metal has positive impact in our lives also although a lot of people more know about bad effects from heavy metal music. As we have seen, heavy metal is a genre music that developed thick vocal, massive sound and the characterized by highly amplified distortion and overall loudness. The example of heavy metal band such as Avenged Sevenfold, Dream Theater, Metallica, Led Zeppelin, Black Sabbath, Iron Maiden and Deep Purple. This music genre used to make a controversial result about how the people considered that heavy metal is not good to be filled in lifestyle. People always esteemed the dark side of heavy metal music so far, actually this music has positives effect like other music genre although there is no visceral research about this music genre. But, still believe that heavy metal music also has the positive impact, there some good side of heavy metal. For instance, heavy metal uses to reduce stress, frustration and anger explosion. And for one reason, heavy metal music is therapeutic, during we’re listening heavy metal, we have to release aggression and tension so we will not to do the violence way. So, I am convince that heavy metal can hold the reins our feel, mood, anger to be more good than in advance.
     As heavy metal has the music genre with hard and aggressive level, metal music’s devotee could escape from desolation, frustration, stress, fury, etc. Sciencedaily magazine published that was a study research about heavy metal music’s effect recently, even the research mentioned that heavy metal music followers more be able to controlling their negative emotion, expressive added and they had rather wreak the anger even though that research revealed heavy metal music’s addicted sloping have difficulty when they make relationship with friends and their family. But the surprised results study about it that research has evidenced if heavy metal music can assuage bad mood situation. With listen this music, listeners can reveal and escape from frustration and anger. They can show out the anger, abhorrence, betrayal, and incredulity with heavy music, trying to pour expression, to convey emotion into heavy metal music.

Kyai Langgeng Park

My favorite tourism place is Kyai Langgeng Park that was located at the edge of Progo River in Magelang and it has beautiful panorama and landscape. This place has a nice atmosphere and had to be a destination which really matches for refresh my mind. Almost the facilities are very incredible and can make enjoyable. Furthermore these places also become a spiritual destination. In fact, Kyai Langgeng Park is one of wonderful tourism place destination indeed.  

Kyai Langgeng Park has the beautiful panorama and landscape, because of it was located near Progo River. It will be serve present exotic panorama surely. In the areas of Kyai Langgeng Park there are some cottages and sitting place under the leafy trees. Furthermore this place takes on the mountain and certainly, it shall become additional of the destination price. Beside there are beautiful view, this place also became adequate research medium.  In fact, it’s so exciting destination and verily, it was suitable being my favorite tourism place.

That place has a nice atmosphere also. I feel like in jungle when I going there, because the place still look like naturally and this place located in slope of Merapi mount. There are many kind of animal which are caged, for instance; cassoari, orang utan, komodo, and some beautiful birds. Moreover there are some rare plants and many old trees. It would have made me feel cool, fresh as air condition in there. In order that, I can truly say,” It was very naturally place”.

Almost the facilities are very incredible and can make my mind enjoyable.

Life Skill

Life skill has some definition, from two words “life’ and “skill” it can be meant as a skill or creativity to adapt and to do positive activity then as a stock to face the challenge in life effectively. But, I think that life skill is totality of skills including physical, psychology, and spiritual that brings benefit to manage own self within to facing environment and ability to be creative and solve the problem. Life skill has importance aspect to our life, namely learning to know, learning to do, learning to be, learning to live together. That’s importance aspects of life skill. It can mean that person could fill all of those on their life, as summary they had belong life skill. Surely, life skill also will influence the education of formal/school or education in family. Teacher as an educator in formal education and parent as main educator have the role to develop life skill of their children. Spiritual as an importance parts of life skill also give encouragement to develop life skill. In addition, Islam as a religion which always sets out spiritual has a view in life skill. So, the aspects that related to life skill will give every importance matter to each other.

Rabu, 28 November 2012

Subtitle Buat File Film Koleksimu

     Di abad 21 ini ,internet sudah menjadi kebutuhan primer bagi sebagian besar orang. Internet juga suda menjadi semacam media alternative sebagai media hiburan. Orang bisa kapan saja streaming video via internet atau bahkan mengunduh lagu/film sebanyak-banyaknya secara gratis maupun berbayar. Dengan koneksi internet yang cepat dan mendukung, seseorang tak perlu mengeluarkan uang lebih untuk membeli DVD original ataupun pergi ke bioskop hanya untuk menonton film yang sedang booming. Banyak situs web yang menyediakan film gratis, seperti www.indowebster.com dan www.ganool.com . Situs web dengan dengan cita rasa lokal tersebut pasti tidak asing ditelinga para pecinta film. Alamat situs lokal di atas memiliki keunggulan kecepatan dalam hal download dibandingkan dengan situs-situs luar negeri, karena menggunakan proxy local dan otomatis tidak ada hambatan atau pemantulan jalur data. Pernah galau karena sudah capek-capek download film dari internet, dibela-belain tidur di warnet cuma untuk download film yang ukurannya ratusan MB tapi nyesel pas udah selesai download eh..ternyata gak ada subtitle-nya??????? Pasti rasanya mau bunuh diri! Santaaaaiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii….setiap masalah pasti ada solusinya apalagi di jaman yang serba berlandaskan IT ini, semua serba mudah dan simple dibanding jaman kakek buyutmu dulu. Juga buat yang punya film tanpa subtitle di Laptop, PC, dll. Jangan buru-buru dihapus atau dikasih kucing dulu. Biasanya subtitle ada dalam satu folder sertaan film dengan ekstensi *srt. File *srt sebenarnya dapat kita buat sendiri menggunakan program notepad dan menyimpannya dengan format *srt. Tapi harus sesuai dengan durasi dari mulai dan berakhirnya saat aktor berkata dalam film. Karena jika tidak, teks dan perkataan aktor dalam film tidak akan sinkron. Terdapat satu situs yang menyediakan subtitle berbagai jenis film. Langsung buka saja alamatnya, http://subscene.com/ pada kolom pencarian ketikkan judul film yang akan anda cari subtitlenya lalu tekan ‘search’ setelah menunggu beberapa saat muncul list subtitle judul film yang anda cari. Lalu pilih subtitle dengan bahasa apa yang kalian inginkan., misal subtitle bahasa Indonesia. Setelah subtitle selesai didownload, letakkan file subtitle (*srt) dalam satu folder dengan file film tersebut. Selanjutnya, rename file tadi persis seperti nama file film. Sebagai contoh, file filmnya bernama “Fast and Furious 5” lalu file *srt tadi direname menjadi “Fast and Furious 5.srt”. Sekian tulisan dari saya, semoga membantu. Cheers!!!!!!!!!!!!!
“Failure happens all the time. It happens every day in practice. What makes you better is how you react to it.” (Mia Hamm)